Chambray Jumpsuit

Hey Guys, 

I hope you all had a great weekend. I always look forwards to Mother's Day. Another excuse to hang out with my family and spoil our sweet mom's. 

This sweet little girl makes motherhood so much fun. I love seeing her grow and learn. She is absolutely hilarious. I love her sweet and funny little personality. She is going to be a goofball I can already tell.

I love having Fridays off. It gives Aria and I the opportunity to go and play. Usually I have a camera attached to me, I love photography. I would love to do it professionally one day. In true mom from I have to take pictures of every little thing Aria does. We were just playing outside enjoying the warm weather before this week of rain happened. This was quite a day for us. She decided she wanted to bring me a dead bird. It was pretty gross. We used as much soap and Purell as we could find. 

I was taking pics of her and she decided to crouch in the bushes, pooping. TMI I know but all I could think of was that part in Bridesmaids when they are in the bridal shop after the Indian food. I could watch that movie everyday. 

Hopefully the rain will let up so I can get some more outfit posts!

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