Good Morning Ladies!
Anyone hear of Natasha Kills? Well she sings a song called I'm in love with a zombie and it is actually quite entertaining to listen to. So it sort of inspired my look. To me army green reminds me of zombies or like the Apocalypse. I have no idea why the hamster that runs my noggin just thinks that way..I wish I knew its process. I am so random at times. I already know I am A.D.D., but does that include the high amounts of random? Anyway. It is super cold right now Utah weather in one word just sucks. It was nice and warm then bam snow..Ugh whatever.
Make sure you check out Red Runners blog. You might want to in these up coming weeks, because there might be a really cool post coming soon. She is super awesome and has some smart ideas on how to loose weight and eat healthy. And I believe she is also a beach body coach. So if you were looking for shakeology (chocolate and strawberry are so yummy, the greenberry tastes like cat food) she could help you out. And I wouldn't know what cat food tastes like but I can imagine that's how it would taste.
And I don't mean to keep blabbing on but my Mom sent me a link to a very sad/uplifting commercial by Dove you all know the one I am talking about. So if you haven't seen it look it up its about a sketch artist, and how women think they see themselves. It is very touching and I know it is something I need to take to heart as well as you girls. I have seen most of your blogs, and I know some of you personally and not a single one of you needs to feel ugly. You are all drop dead freaking gorgeous. And I keep saying over and over no one can be youer than you. You are the only copy and you are the perfect version of you. I love you all so very much.
Make sure you enter my Elf Giveaway it ends Thursday night.
And my fl hair giveaway ends in May.
Top: Rue21
Jeans: Rue21
Shoes: Forever Young (Bridesmaid Gift thanks Sarah :))
Necklace: Rue 21
Earrings: Pandora gift from my Auntie
Headscarf: c/o Emma from Fl{hair}